

“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. So I have spent almost all the daylight hours in the open air.”
– Nathaniel Hawthorne
Happy first days of Fall! Time to collect pretty leaves, study spiders and their webs, and appreciate what's coming into bloom: such as chrysanthemums, holiday cacti, and pineapple sage. The Thanksgiving cacti (Schlumbergera truncata) are early this year, both the big red-blooming one in my kitchen and little white one outside are flowering.

We are still having warm, dry days, so many summer-blooming plants also continue to brighten up my yard. The white dipladenia is particularly lovely; I was admiring the flowery vines adorning the trellis when a dark-eyed junco landed at the birdbath in front of it. I took a video to capture his cute fluttering and splashing: click on the image above to play it.

Clicking on the thumbnails below will show the full photo in a new window.
Red Cactus Bloom

Indoor cactus.

White Cactus Bloom

Outdoor cactus.

Purple White Fuchsia

Flourishing fuchsia.


A Cross Orbweaver spider has built a web between two of my rosebushes near the front porch. I hope this catches lots of flies and aphids! I tend to leave spiderwebs in place, unless they're in a pathway, or I'm tidying up the yard before people visit.



Cross orbweaver on rose leaf.


Cross orbweaver (underside).

Spider Plant Bloom

Spider plant blooms.


Indoors, not only the cactus is thriving. My spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) has a lot of baby plants (spiderettes) hanging from long stems, and a fresh budding of white flowers. The prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura erythroneura) has new growth and a couple of delicate lavender blooms. This one suffered somewhat during winter, since it likes a consistent warm temperature. But summer's heat, frequent fertilizing, and misting the leaves twice a week have helped it recover nicely.


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