My adventures in low-budget, limited-space, environmentally-friendly container gardening. At times I also share fun projects and resources I've discovered.
Soil testing, reinvigorated plants, weird weather, making jewelry.
Heavenly Blue morning glories are blooming! The first flower of the year opened up on Saturday. After several attempts...
New bulbs for next year, tomato and pepper harvest, purty purple flowers.
I found free bulbs! They were left on a counter by the sink at my workplace, in a box with a sign: "Bulbs: Dahlias, Lilies etc. Take some"...
Chasing butterflies, before-and-afters, nut tree research.
I've been seeing butterflies in the yard just as frequently this fall as in the summer. Most common are the Cabbage White Butterfly...
Productive yardwork, little Big Beef tomatoes, zinnia flowers, surprise rose colors!
On Saturday I moved about 20 container plants around, putting them back against the hedge where they usually live...
The landscape and climate of Paso Robles wine country, photos of the area.
Steve and I have just returned from a four-day trip to Morro Bay and the Paso Robles wine tasting region...
The trellis project, tomatoes ripening, loving flowers, herbs, pea sprouts.
Regarding the plant with delicate pastel flowers that I wrote about trying to identify: it turns out to be Linaria, commonly called toadflax...
A few flowers identified, others remain mysterious, yard wildlife.
Some people might think I'm a gardening expert, since I've been writing this blog on the subject for a while, I read articles daily...
Companion planting, sorting pots, the hot weather of late summer/early fall.
The landlady decided to have vinyl flooring and carpet installed last week. Steve and I had to move our furniture outside...
First tomato! Enjoying roses, pollinators, & the glory of long, warm days.
On Saturday I picked the first tomato of the year. It was the Cherokee Purple variety, which are deep pink/dark green when ripe...
Another wonderful weekend of studying nature in the yard with our cats.
I followed a lovely white butterfly around with the camera, but these critters spend less time sitting still than the squirrels do!..
Bugs, blooms and berries; all the summery things.
I've discovered that the main culprit behind chewed-up nasturtiums, begonias and petunias is the stick insect...
Fun with flowers, climbing in a bush, tomato progress.
The weather has been hot and humid, with intervals of swirling breezes that stir up the air...
New trellis and flowering vines, seed collecting.
On Saturday, Steve and I went to the garden store and bought a tall metal trellis, a magenta-pink bougainvillea...
Roses and lettering, summer in the yard, fuchsias budding.
I've been participating in the Summer of Sketching challenge on Instagram. The theme for last week was "nature"...
A new birdbath, mindful watering, ripe peppers.
The Shasta daisy plant is in full bloom. It's looking much perkier than usual since I placed a watering globe...
Acquiring pots, untangling lettuces, radish and berry research.
Last week someone left a medium-sized planter box on the curb across the street...