243 words • 2~2 min read

Decision to Buy

As part of a marketing team discussion last year, aiming to develop more effective advertising pieces, I presented 6 factors that drive a decision to buy Apparel or Accessories.

These are drawn from my own experiences, and from observing purchasing habits of the customers of companies I’ve worked with over the years.

1. The product’s appealing claims such as “waterproof yet breathable” are verified by other sources (Rated high by testers/reviewers, trusted logos/seals of quality, such as Columbia’s Omni-Tech logo).

2. I can tell exactly what I’m buying the way this item is shown (online, or in print advertising and catalogs), so will choose this over similar items with unclear photos, or vague descriptions.

3. Makes me feel like a wise shopper: the true value of the item is higher than the price. Everyone enjoys finding a great deal on a quality product.

4. Goes with my style: items on this page remind me of my own wardrobe/color preferences/lifestyle. (Showing complete outfits, & models that remind me of myself helps.)

5. This offer showcases an item that’s special, new, different. Makes me think that I’ll stand out if I wear this, and will feel unique and stylish, or be confident that I have the latest high-tech gear – The “cool factor”.

6. I can’t go wrong buying this familiar, tried and true basic item. (A presentation might emphasize comfortable fit and colors that go with everything, and show models wearing the same item in different circumstances & outfit combinations).

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