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Encounters with vegetation. 01/23/03

Yesterday I ate a salad. Really! I did! And no, this is not one of the signs that the world is coming to an end. I do actually eat vegetation once in a while. Sometimes even on purpose. Not like too-lazy-to-remove-green-objects-from-sandwich, but a freakin' SALAD, meatless even. It had olives and feta cheese and onions in with the leafy stuff and was actually quite tasty.

So today I went in the natural foods store, because I heard on the radio that they have this cafe. I ordered a "wrap sandwich". Apparently a "wrap" means objects stuck in a tortilla, like a sloppily formed burrito, rather than in between bread slices. The girl at the counter asked if I wanted tahini. What the hell is tahini? I said yes, figuring that unless that was another name for wasabi/horseradish I would at least find it palatable. So I ate the messy thing and enjoyed it, the contents (that I recognized) included broccoli, rice, peanut-ish sauce, potatoes. At first I thought the brown cubed stuff was chicken, but it was tempeh. WTF is tempeh?

The quest for eating a wider range of food/foodlike? items is partly due to boredom with the same old convenience-store fare that is my standard lunch. Also I have had a cold for the past week and am trying to eat & drink nutritious things, as well as taking every cold remedy that is recommended to me. At the moment my head feels like it could either implode or float away (Attention, passengers: we are now approaching 7,000 feet, you may feel a slight change in pressure) and I can no longer breathe through the right nostril (Attention, passengers: we seem to have lost an engine). And where, exactly, does ALL THIS SNOT COME FROM?!



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