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Determination. 01/24/05

My priorities are currently thus: 1. Work at maintaining high performance at current job while searching for new job. Ask for raise. 3. Get in shape/lose weight/be healthier. 4. Obtain new/used computer. 5. Get car running again.

Steve's new obsession is boats. He wants to buy a sailboat so badly. He carries around the sign he took off the bulletin board, which has the boat picture and price on it. He spent most of Saturday and Sunday doing research on the boat online and at the library, and telling me ideas for how we could afford to purchase it.

And I think to myself, "What the hell. Boats, eh? As addictions go, at least it’s not self-destructive."

I think I like boats. Not sure, having grown up in the desert. Vague memories of being at Lake Michigan with my uncle when I was 7. Did we actually get on the boat? Or just look at it? I remember my mother was freaked out about us kids being on a sailboat. That kinda makes me want to go out on one now out of pure defiance.




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