The Grreat Outdoors

Ghetto Gardening 2015


"Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity."
– Lindley Karstens



One of my favorite things about visiting the garden store is checking out the section of discounted plants. At Orchard Supply, they mark the pots with a spray-painted blue dot when they're 50% off and stick them on a rack in the back of the store. I got my favorite petunias from this area in summer. Last week I scored a wilted miniature rosebush in a Halloween-themed planter, and a white cyclamen with a cracked pot. I haven't had success with mini roses in the past, but I know more about roses in general now, so I've re-potted both of these and will tend them carefully.

I also bought some bulbs, to plant now and hopefully have blooms in spring and summer. It is rare for me to plan so far ahead with any gardening. Unlike in previous years, I'm writing the flower names on marker tags, sticking them in the dirt next to the bulbs, and keeping them there all winter. Also, I'm being careful not to plant anything upside down this time.

Clicking on the small images below will bring up a full-size version.

BulbsCrocus, tulip and lily bulbs.

WhiteCyclamenWhite cyclamen, orange cat.

MiniRoseWith care, this rose might bloom again.



The trellis plant stand I built at the end of October is working well, as long as I only keep lightweight plastic (not clay) containers of no more than 4 inches tall in the pot-holders. Otherwise it starts to lean forward or even tip over. I also twined some branches of the shrub behind the stand around the top slats of the wood framework to help support it.

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I subscribe to 2 gardening newsletter emails, and pick up a magazine now and then, but have not thoroughly read many of the issues until recently. I'm glad I took the time to start going through the backlog of these: I found great articles on self-watering planters and indoor glass-container gardening with terrariums. I am the sort of creative person who gets excited about the idea of a cool project, but can have trouble sustaining the mental energy or devoting time to completing things (if I ever even get started). So before I delve into constructing a terrarium or new planter concept, it would be wise to finish the sorting of pots around the yard. I did finally pull up expired tomato and pepper plants last weekend. I was letting my little tomatoes ripen on the vine as much as possible before picking, but the plants were entirely brown and starting to mold, so it's time to ripen the last few green ones on the kitchen windowsill. I also need to mail the remainder of the cayenne peppers to my dad. I'm making a mental list of plants that would benefit from being repotted into large containers now empty of tomatoes: Red salvia, morning glories, snapdragons, daisies, basil...

Another project I started this fall is a watercolor painting of petunias and a butterfly. I had set this aside in favor of getting more useful things done, but will hopefully complete it. I was inspired by seeing all the monarchs that flutter into our yard at this time of year, and the contrast of their orange wings with purple flowers.

TomatoArrayLast of the harvest.

GardenGateArticles worth checking out.

PaintingProgressPainting in progress.



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