The Grreat Outdoors: GreenWise Gardening 2017

GreenWise Gardening 2017


When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden."
— Minnie Aumonier



We've had a cold snap recently. It's common for this area to have warmer, springlike temperatures in late February, but the temperature's been in the 30s again on some nights. There was frost on all the roofs as I looked out the window while getting ready for work yesterday. Worried about delicate seedlings, I examined my plants before leaving. They looked healthy enough, except for some drooping morning glories, which I may have moved outdoors too early.

While in the yard these mornings, I've noticed how the bare root rosebushes I'd bought not too long ago were steadily producing new leaves. I've had orange and purple-lavender blooming varieties that did not last more than a few summers; it will be wonderful to see roses in these colors around the yard again.

Sometimes in past years I'd buy inexpensive packets of flower seeds that looked interesting. This is how I ended up with snapdragons, a shasta daisy, and a few perennials that I didn't keep track of after planting: wallflowers, and forget-me-nots (Myosotis scorpioides). Both of these sprang up in areas where I'd forgotten having planted seeds, and I enjoyed the flowers for seasons before getting curious enough to try identifying the plants. The forget-me-nots started to bloom a week ago. They're tiny little things, not too noticeable in a pot halfway under a bench on the side of the yard, but I love the color. I may plant more of them this spring, in other small-to-medium pots that live in shaded areas.

Clicking on the small images below will bring up the full version.

RoseRedLeavesNew rosebush growth.


SnapPeaSeedsPlanting snap peas.


Last weekend I planted a few things that are said to be hardy enough to grow from seed in colder temperatures: snap peas and parsnips. I'm impatient to get other things started in my vegetable patch, such as rhubarb, but will wait for more springlike weather.

Although we've had a break in the rain for about 5 days, the forecast is for showers again on Saturday and Sunday. It's nice not to have to worry about watering. However, I do need to do a lot of yardwork, and soon, as the landlady might visit on the 18th. I'll be on vacation the previous weekend, so it'll be tricky to make time to be outside during daylight hours. Maybe I can put in some work this evening when I get home: cutting back the rosemary hedge and pulling ivy off the side of the house would be a good start.