Blog, Essays & Art

May days. 05/20/03

I was taking a bath when I saw a slug crawl out of the overflow drain and start to slurk along the bathtub rim. My first thought was, "Cute slug." Then I thought, "Hey! No creatures other than myself allowed in my bath!" So I moved him over onto a shampoo bottle until I was done washing. Then I took a leaf from one of the indoor plants, scooped him up and put him outside. Where he will probably munch away on my marigolds, but it's better than in the house anyway.

The second half of the month of May is often the time that significant events in my life occur. On May 19th, 1992 I graduated from college. Eleven years ago?! God, do I feel old.  My degree is only an Associate's, and having earned it means nothing to anyone other than me and my Dad. But on that day every year I feel proud of myself for getting through those two years of full-time college, for taking the maximum load of credits whenever possible, for making the honors list every quarter and graduating cum laude at the age of 18.

Other things that happened 'round this time in years past: Moving to this town May 22, 1995 and starting to live with my Love, certainly a major event; Henrietta cat having kittens May 29, 1996; and going to my very first SCA event May 23, 1993. Ten Year anniversary of being in the SCA! I had hoped to attend that coronet event again this year to celebrate, but we are too poor. Also this upcoming weekend we'd be likely to go to a friend's wedding party instead anyway. Two friends are having their graduation ceremony on the 31st, might show up to one of those as well.

Today I am scanning 113 photos while outputting powerpoint slides to film. Busybusybusy, realized I haven't stopped to eat much yet today. Last night I took pictures of myself at work with the digital camera. Hoping to figure out how to get pictures added to my diary layout and make it more interesting-looking.



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