Blog, Essays & Art

Christmas. 12/26/02

Wow, I really haven't been here in a WHILE.

I guess the need to write down my thoughts and feelings comes and goes. The desire to record the events of life here waxes and wanes as well. My internet connection has been up again for a couple weeks now.  So I don't need to try and find time to write online while I have access to the computers at work, or spend my lunch hour at a terminal in the library. Things haven't stopped happening while the DSL was down, I'm hoping to remember everything that is worth writing about. The next couple of entries could be sort of in retrospect. (I was going to say retroactive, but the definition of that doesn't really work here. Retrospect isn't quite right either. Stupid English language, useless Webster's dictionary. Not enough words. Retrogress? Hope not. Retrorocket! Cool...)

So what will I remember fondly about this Christmas? Christmas Eve. I got a bit of that "Holiday Spirit" feeling as I baked the cake while listening to Christmas Carols, inside my house all warm, the tree glowing with multicolored lights. So what, if there are no gifts under the tree? And Saturday night, when we went out to the Red Room and got to hang out with 2 good friends. The guys decorated our tree with us, in a state of intoxicated Christmas spirit. And I will try to remember all the times spent alone with my Love, in warm bliss on the couch, drinking coffee and cuddling, looking like the yin-yang symbol with his black velvet robe against my furry polar-bear-style one. Such a scene is not merely a Christmas, or even winter memory. I am lucky enough to have spent many weekend mornings in this fashion over the past 7 years.

Another year almost over. New Year's Eve, then Twelfth night, the last holiday of the season. I will do all I can to make it a good Twelfth night. Maybe persuade friends to come to the event? Do a lot of belly-dancing? We shall see.



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