229 words • 1~2 min read

Five minutes, 10/09/12

Recently, I am feeling so grateful.

To the online design community, for all the insights, resources and camaraderie that have made my world so much larger. For the push towards professionalism and higher levels of competence instigated by my peers and those who have achieved far more, giving us inspiration and guidance.

To my Love, Stephen, for understanding the frustrations and complex issues of everything computer-related. For being helpful in problem solving and commiserating. And for insights and fresh ideas to try in my marketing and design projects.

To my grade school teachers Nicolette Doiron and Susan Russo, who encouraged me to write. To art college professors Floyd Martin and Norman Kaupang who taught me how to see deeply and translate my interpretations and concepts to the page.

To all the bosses and co-workers who championed my work, and met their own responsibilities while striving to do the best job possible: excelling even in the face of trying circumstances, office politics, and ridiculous deadlines.

I put myself through college, I’ve always found work on my own, I am self-taught in the majority of the software programs I use. But no career or success is entirely self-made. I think it’s a necessary aspect of a well-rounded professional life: to acknowledge the debt while being available to contribute similarly to up-and-coming designers, artists, writers and others who aim to succeed while preserving integrity.